Key Dates
Nominations for the 2025 awards program will open in April. Until then, the dates below are indicative only.
Please note registration for the Awards Info Session, Entrant Workshops, and the Mentoring Program will be available through the Tasmanian Tourism Awards EDM, which will be sent to all entrants once they have completed their nomination. Alternatively, please email Tasmanian Tourism Awards Program Manager, Kelly Luck. Workshop dates are subject to change.
Online Information Session - Changes to the 2025 Awards program
13 March 2025This session will cover the significant changes to the 2025 program, explain how you can best begin preparations, and address any questions. The session will be recorded and made available to all those who register to attend (via '2025 Register your interest' page).
Nominations Open
2 April 2025Nominate online for your chosen category(ies)
Online Information Session for NEW entrants/first-time writers
9 April 2025Specifically for NEW entrants, or those returning after some time away from the program - learn about the process of entering the awards and the Entrant Support Program. (Registration link can be found on the Entrant Support page)
Nominations Close
14 May 2025Last date to jump online and complete your nomination/s.
Entrant Workshop #1
22 May 2025This workshop will help plan for how to approach your Awards entry and identify the resources you'll need to prepare your submission.
One on one Mentoring
2 June 2025Mentoring occurs between June and 15 August via Zoom. Planning, Check-in, and complete Submission Review sessions are available.
Entrant Workshop #2
29 May 2025Dive deeper into what the questions actually require of you
Entrant Workshop #3
19 June 2025How to make your submission shine - advice from former Awards judges
Business/Accommodation Standards Due (where relevant)
30 June 2025These are mandatory for some categories and will appear as a tab within the awards portal IF applicable to you. Please complete EACH section and hit 'submit' by the deadline.
Bookings for Mentoring sessions close
30 June 2025This is the last day to book in your mentoring sessions
Entrant Workshop #4
10 July 2025How to edit and layout your entry including images and graphs to appeal to the judges
Entrant Workshop #5
17 July 2025What the Online and Site Visit judges are looking for
Submissions Due
27 August 2025The most important date to remember! You must complete your online application and submit by 5pm today!
Site Visits commence
1 August 2025Site Judges will visit your business (by appointment) between the 1st of August and the 19th of September.
Finalists Announced
7 October 2025If you achieve finalist status, you will be recognised publicly and receive the finalist logo. Details of the announcement events will be released mid-September.
Tourism Awards Gala Dinner
7 November 2025Time to get out your formal wear for the biggest night of the Tasmanian tourism calendar!
Qantas Australian Tourism Awards
20 March 2026Lucky winners in each category will join the cream of Australian tourism at the prestigious Australian Tourism Awards Gala. Date and location to be announced.
How to Enter
- Read the category descriptions carefully
- Choose the category most relevant to your business and product (if appropriate, you may enter more than one category)
- If you're not sure, speak to the Awards Program Manager to check your eligibility for your chosen category before entering.
- Nominate in the portal and pay the entry fee: $199 per entry (incl. GST)
- Once you've paid your entry, you'll be given access to the portal where you can start entering your submission responses whenever you're ready
- When you've finished your entry (preferably after you've attended the workshops and undertaken mentoring), get a friend/colleague to read through, check it all makes sense, and click the submit button before the submission date.
- You'll also need to host a visit from a Site Judge once you've submitted, this will be organised closer to the date.
- Wait to hear in October whether you've made finalist status or not.
Rules and Regulations
All entrants need to follow the rules and regulations to avoid penalties or disqualification. This year’s categories, rules for entry and all other important information are now available.
More informationJudging
Judging follows the national policies and guidelines, overseen by an independent auditor.
More information