Why Become Accredited?
Tasmania has one of the highest rates of tourism accreditation in Australia - you can check out the full list here.
TICT encourages you to join this group of operators - but don't just take it from us, here is what our operators think.
"We have been an accredited operator of the TICT from very early on in our tourism journey. The TICT has been invaluable to our business in many regards, and the team have largely contributed to our success. The accreditation process has enabled us to learn what attributes make an exceptional tourism business. Now, thanks to the TICT, we are passionate about quality, sustainability, exceptional customer service, accessibility and more, across our entire business." - The Cove Tasmania
“The accreditation process forced me to have a long, hard look at the business and think about some of the variables which could impact me and the business model. Since becoming accredited, we have implemented the risk management plan and also the emergency evacuation plans, ensuring that we are well versed in guest safety. We have also implemented more composting, recycling practices and are conscious of working only with eco-products. I would say the accreditation program was an extremely valuable learning opportunity and a great stretch for businesses to be engaged in the sustainability programs available.” – Poet’s Cottage Stanley
Benefits of Accreditation
With so many benefits and opportunities available exclusively to Tasmanian Tourism Accredited businesses, the annual accreditation fee easily pays for itself!

Symbol of Quality
- Ability to display the Quality Tourism logo and your Accreditation certificate in your business and on other marketing materials (social media, website etc).
- The Quality Tourism logo will automatically display on your Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) listing.

Exclusive Marketing Benefits
- Display and distribute the brandmark of Quality Tourism on your business, marketing collateral and digital assets.
- Have your Quality Tourism Australia status promoted on Tourism Brochure Exchange and Tasmanian Visitor Information Centre racks throughout Tasmania.
- Benefit from promotion through national marketing campaigns via the Quality Tourism Australia Facebook page, encouraging travellers to visit accredited businesses.
- Promotion through a listing on the consumer website Trust the Tick.

Networking, Training & Business Development
- Receive discounted tickets to the TICT Leadership Luncheon Series, the Tasmanian Tourism Conference and other industry development/training workshops throughout the year.
- Access to other tools and programs through the Quality Tourism Framework online portal which you can use to further enhance your business practices.
- FREE access to TICT's Skilled in Sixty - a monthly webinar series designed to deliver information and actionable takeaways on topics that matter to tourism operators.
- Ability to enter the Tasmanian Tourism Awards - the state's premier Awards program designed to encourage and recognise innovation, excellence, quality and sustainability in tourism.
- Ability to take part in the TICT Emissions Reduction Initiative - a nation-leading program supporting tourism businesses to reduce their emissions and contribute to Tasmania's goal of becoming a leading destination for climate-conscious travel.

Discounts & Services
Enjoy the cost savings from a long list of exclusive offers and discounts from TICT Corporate Partners and preferred businesses.
- Accredited Operators and Member Benefits 2023 to 2024
- Accredited Operators and Member Benefits 2024 to 2025

FREE and inclusive access to ReviewPro - one of the world's leading online reputation management solutions capturing and analysing online customer feedback and ratings from 135+ websites.
ReviewPro scans these websites for any comments and online ratings made about your tourism product and provides you with a simple desktop solution to review, manage and respond to positive and/or negative comments about your business.
Learn more about ReviewPro or contact the TICT for more information (info@tict.com.au).
Other Exclusive Benefits
- Access to comprehensive tools and templates, through the Quality Tourism Framework online portal, to assist in best practice business management.
- Use Tourism Accreditation as powerful evidence of a business’s tourism quality by seeking written support from TICT when writing grant applications and other submissions (at least one weeks’ notice must be given).
- Complimentary business listing on qualitytourismtas.com.au and Trust the Tick sites.
- Apply for, and maintain a Tasmanian Parks & Wildlife NBT License. Accredited Licensed operators can also contact us at TICT for an application to display the ‘Share the Wonder’ logo.
- Assistance with Passenger Transport Operator Accreditation audits. TICT and QMS will conduct PT Accreditation Audits twice yearly in both Hobart and Launceston during off season. Your Industry Services Advisor will be contacted to advise the scheduled dates and lock in a time in each location on your behalf. These will be the only dates available for the year, so please ensure you schedule, allowing a reasonable timeframe prior to expiry of your PT Audit due date.
- Apply for tourism-associate membership of the Tasmanian Hospitality Association.