Tourism Industry Coincil Tasmania

How Do I Register?

The first step towards Tourism Accreditation is:

  1. Visit the Quality Tourism Australia website, by clicking here. Select ‘New User? Register Here’.
  2. Once you’ve registered, an invoice will be raised and sent to you. The fee is based on the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees in your business. See below information about the fees.
  3. Once payment of the invoice is received, you will be notified that your online Quality Tourism Framework account is active, and you can begin your application.

The TICT is available to assist you throughout the entire process, including your application. We encourage you to contact our QTF Program Manager, Christine Pritchard, and QTF Program Advisor, Hannah Lang, via email: or phone: (03) 6231 2244.


As previously mentioned, the annual accreditation fee is based on the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees within your business. 2 part-time or 4 casual employees are considered equal to 1 FTE. The fees as of January 1, 2025 (GST inclusive) are:

  • 1-3 FTE employees - $342
  • 4-8 FTE employees - $569
  • 9-15 FTE employees - $740
  • 16-25 FTE employees - $910
  • 26-50 FTE employees - $1,138
  • 51-100 FTE employees - $1,707
  • 101+ FTE employees - $2,277

If you have additional businesses or products trading under the same ABN, you can obtain additional Tourism Accreditation listings at a flat discounted rate of $125 per product per-year, irrespective of size of businesses.

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TICT has Direct Debit option available to you!

In a bid to make our tourism operators' lives easier and reduce administrative costs, TICT has partnered with EZIDEBIT to offer a direct debit service for the payment of our annual accreditation fees.

To sign up for EZIDEBIT, please download the direct debit form by clicking here, complete and return to

A number of options are available to you, including annual direct debit or 1,2,3 and 4 instalment options.

Instalment options are only valid if you register your interest and complete required paperwork prior to 1 March of each invoicing year.

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