Tourism Industry Coincil Tasmania

Become a Member

To ensure fair representation and engagement across the breadth of the Tasmanian tourism industry, TICT's membership structure provides the opportunity for businesses and industry associations of all scales to play a role in what we achieve as a peak body.

For commercial tourism businesses, membership is structured in a similar way to accreditation in that your annual membership fee is set according to the size of your business (number of FTE employees). Therefore, your voting power at the Board Election is also adherent to your business size, to ensure fair representation across industry.

  1. Click here to view 2024/25 membership fees and structure for commercial tourism businesses.
  2. Click here to view 2024/25 membership fees for industry associations and other member-based organisations.
  3. Click here to view 2025/26 membership fees and structure for commercial tourism businesses.
  4. Click here to view 2025/26 membership fees for industry associations and other member-based organisations.

To become a TICT Member, please complete the below Application Form to be considered. A TICT staff member will reach out to you once it has been received.