Industry Development
TICT delivers a range of industry development resources and programs that help our accredited operators, members and tourism industry to thrive. Whether it’s supporting young professionals on their career journeys, supporting business development through sustainability and marketing or skilling up the tourism workforce to become Tassie Ambassadors – there’s something for everyone.
A benefit of becoming an Accredited Operator or TICT Member is that you receive discounted rates or even free access to these programs.
Check out more information below.

Tassie Tourism Ambassador Program
Created specifically for the Tasmanian tourism industry as a way to equip tourism and hospitality staff and interested locals with the skills to offer a great visitor experience. It is a free, fun online program that teaches you more about the Tasmanian tourism industry, the different regions of the state, and how to tell your destination's stories in an engaging and captivating way, to ultimately exceed visitor expectations.
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Emissions Reduction
The beauty of our landscape underpins the Tasmanian way of life. Our natural environment is finite and precious, core to our reputation and integral to our brand. In order to protect this unique edge and preserve our most critical asset - our natural environment - TICT has committed to assist industry to lower its emissions and adopt more sustainable practices.
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Talking Tourism Podcast
Talking Tourism - the podcast series specifically designed for tourism operators and industry professionals. It delivers bite-size conversations about tourism and business-related topics with some of the best and brightest minds in the game! With more than 150 episodes available wherever you access your podcasts, there is something for every person and business to gain.
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Tasmanian Young Tourism Network
A professional development and networking organisation especially for young and emerging Tasmanian tourism and hospitality professionals. An initiative of the TICT with support from Pennicott Wilderness Journeys, it aims to provide opportunities for like-minded young Tasmanians working within the visitor economy to meet, share ideas, engage with industry leaders, and participate in exciting professional development opportunities.
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Skilled in Sixty
A webinar series designed to deliver 60-minute, bite-sized information sessions on topics that matter to Tassie tourism operators. Sessions are hosted on a monthly basis and are available for free for TICT Accredited Operators and Members, and a small $25 fee for non-accredited operators.
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