Allison Anderson

Emerging Markets in Nature and Adventure Tourism; Where are they from and what do they want?
Intended workshop audience: Any operator with visitors who enjoy nature-based and adventure tourism in Tasmania.
Global trends are showing a major shift coming in who is seeking nature-based experiences and what kinds of activities engage and excite them. As visitation to Tasmania’s amazing nature-based attractions continues to increase, it is important to stop and think not just about who is coming to visit now, but who will be visiting in the future. Tapping into these markets can open up big opportunities for operators – and understanding their motivations and preferences can help ensure we make good decisions on developing our product and communicating with them.
This workshop is a good starting point for operators wanting to know about where the growth opportunities are coming from for nature based and adventure tourism at the global scale.
About Allison
Dr Alli Anderson is the director of episteme, a consultancy delivering informed strategy to government and tourism operators. She is also a Specialist Consultant with TRC Tourism, leading and delivering major tourism planning and development projects across Australia, New Zealand and the rest of the world.
She is Chair of the Northern Tasmania Development Corporation, Deputy Chair of East Coast Tasmania Tourism, and adjunct to the University of Tasmania and a member of the National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council.
She loves tourism, Tasmania, her family, and swimming in the ocean with her friends.