Our Bold and Ambitious Future: Wednesday 21 August 2024 - The Country Club, Launceston
8:00am - Registrations, Coffee Cart & Sustainable Supplier Showcase
Coffee cart supplied with thanks to Cumulus Studio
You can check out more information about the Sustainable Supplier Showcase here.
9:00am - 10:30am - Official welcome, Tasmanian tourism overview and direction
Master of Ceremonies
Amy Hills - CEO, TICT
Welcome to Country
Dewayne Everettsmith - Founder & Director, mina nina
TICT Chair's Address
Daniel Leesong
Premier's Address
The Hon. Jeremy Rockliff MP, Premier of Tasmania and Minister for Tourism & Hospitality
Tourism Tasmania Chair's Address
Grant O'Brien
Tourism Tasmania Marketing Update
Lindene Cleary - CMO, Tourism Tasmania & Vanessa Pinto - Acting CEO, Tourism Tasmania
The Spirit of Tasmania 2024 Tourism Conference Keynote Address
'Inspire. Innovate. Collaborate' - Massimo Mele, TV Personality, Chef & Culinary Director (Grain of the Silos, Peppina)
with thanks to Spirit of Tasmania
10:30am - 11:00am - Morning Tea & Sustainable Supplier Showcase
With thanks to Tasmanian Vacations
11:00am - 12:30pm - Future Focus
Tasmanian Economic Update
Saul Eslake - Economist
Future Focus Keynote Address
Gus Balbontin - Investor, advisor, adventurer and alternative futurist
Tasmania's Aviation and Sea Travel Future - Panel Discussion
1. Kristy Malapa - Industry Relations Manager TAS, Tourism Australia
- Norris Carter - CEO, Hobart Airport
- Bernard Dwyer - CEO, Spirit of Tasmania
- Shane O'Hare - CEO, Launceston Airport
with thanks to Launceston Airport
Networking Lunch: 12:30 - 1:40pm
1:45pm - 2:30pm - Breakout Session
Choose your own adventure from one of three concurrent breakout sessions centred on the themes of the Conference: Inspire, Innovate, Collaborate. You'll leave each session informed, energised, and engaged on the priorities and opportunities of our industry.
Creating unique and authentic Tasmanian experiences
Anna Terry - Co-Owner, Truffle Farm, and Al McCormack - Marketing & Partnerships Manager, Festival of Voices
Tourism Retail - how to make it work for you, your customers and your community
Christine Proctor - Owner, Worth & While
With thanks to the Tasmanian Visitor Information Network
Creating diversity in your workforce
Carla Giuca - Head of Visitor Economy Capability, Workforce and EMDG Policy Brand, Austrade, and Emily Briffa - CEO, Hamlet
With thanks to Austrade
2:45pm - 4:15pm - Inspire, Innovate, Collaborate - Put into Practice
The Story of Sam Bloom - A journey from an accident in Thailand in 2013 to World Parasurfing Champion and Adventure Traveler
Sam Bloom - 3x World Para Surfing Champion, Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker, Tourism Australia Ambassador and Inspiration behind international Netflix hit movie Penguin Bloom.
with thanks to Austrade
Cultural Yarn - How we inspire innovative collaboration
Dewayne Everettsmith, Founder & Director, mina nina
Future Tasmanian Tourism Game-changers - Panel Discussion
Simon Currant AM - Principal, Simon Currant & Associates
Peter Walker - Director/Principal Architect, Cumulus Studio
Peter Gutwein - Former Tasmanian Premier, Keynote Speaker, Chairman and Non-Executive Director, and Strategic Advisor.
with thanks to Bishopp Outdoor Advertising
4:15pm onwards - Post-Conference Drinks
After an incredible two-day program jam-packed full of networking, thinking, talking and more, the TICT would like to take the opportunity to celebrate by raising a glass to thank everyone for being involved.
See you in the Tonic Bar at the Country Club once the final speaker concludes. Drinks will be available to purchase.