Our Industry
The tourism industry makes an important contribution to the state and to Tasmanians. It represents and celebrates the best of Tasmania and our way of life as well as supporting communities and jobs around the state.
- 1 in 8 Tasmanians are employed in the tourism industry.
- $3.47 billion – total tourism Gross State Product.
- 55% of jobs on Tasmania’s East Coast are dependent on tourism.
- Every tourism dollar spent = additional 83cents in the economy.
- $3.6 billion – annual visitor spend in Tasmania.
- 43,000 Tasmanian jobs – more than agriculture, fishing, forestry and paper production combined.
Tasmania's Story of Tourism
Check out the work of Tourism Tasmania who have developed 'Tasmania's Story of Tourism' to better understand the history and value of our industry to the state.
More information2030 Visitor Economy Strategy
Tasmania’s 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy provides a collective longer-term vision through to 2030. Created in partnership between government and industry, the strategy is a plan for growth and a plan to manage growth sustainably, ensuring that the visitor economy continues to have a positive impact on our environment, economy and way of life.
More information