Tourism Industry Coincil Tasmania

2025 TICT Board nominations

Nominations are hereby sought for appointment as a Director of the Tourism Council Tasmania Ltd (trading as Tourism Industry Council Tasmania) at the organisation’s Annual General Meeting to be held at 9:00am, Tuesday 6 May, at Crowne Plaza Hobart.

About the TICT

The Tourism Industry Council Tasmania (TICT) is the peak body for the Tasmanian tourism industry.

TICT delivers industry programs and events to support business development and facilitate the sustainable growth of tourism businesses across Tasmania.

As the voice of tourism, TICT uses its advocacy work to create a strong, unified voice for the industry. We collaborate with members, the wider industry, and key stakeholders to lead responses to critical tourism industry issues and needs.

TICT develops evidence-based industry policy on issues including: business regulation; marketing and events; parks and environment; planning and infrastructure; aviation and transport; and workforce development. The CEO and Board advocates its policy agenda to government and maintains an active public profile and media presence to communicate critical industry issues.

You can read more about TICT’s Strategic Priorities for 2025 here.

About the TICT Board

The TICT Board has a college-based structure, with Directors appointed to a two-year term on behalf of industry sectors that are broadly representative of the Tasmanian tourism industry. Directors are elected in a non-executive capacity and volunteer their time for the betterment of the industry.

You can view our current Directors here.

Nominations are hereby called for the following positions:

  • ACCOMMODATION & HOSPITALITY OPERATORS COLLEGE – representing operators of accommodation and hospitality-based businesses. Nominations are sought for three (3) positions.
  • ASSOCIATIONS COLLEGE – representing member-based industry and sectorial associations active in the Tasmanian tourism industry and visitor economy. Nominations are sought for three (3) positions.
  • EXPERIENCES, ATTRACTIONS, AND SPECIALIST TOURISM SERVICES COLLEGE – representing operators of visitor experiences and tours, attractions, events, and other tourism activities. Nominations are sought for two (2) positions.
  • TRANSPORT COLLEGE – representing the transport industry, including external carriers (air and sea), internal carriers (taxis, car rentals and coach services), and sea and airports. Nominations are sought for two (2) positions.

If more nominations than vacancies are received in any College, an election of TICT Members will be conducted in April to determine the positions.

How to nominate:

  • Click here and complete the nomination form – including the College under which you are seeking appointment.
  • To be eligible to nominate, you must demonstrate you represent a tourism business or organisation that has been Tourism Accredited or a Financial Member of the TICT for at least 6 months prior to nominating.
  • You must also be eligible to serve as a Company Director, and able to provide a Director Identification Number upon your appointment.
  • Complete a short candidate’s statement of up to 250 words. This statement will be circulated to all financial members of the TICT with the electronic ballot papers in the event that an election is required.
  • All nominations must be supported by a current financial member of the TICT. Please note, not all accredited operators of TICT are also financial members of the organisation. If you need assistance in determining membership status or securing a member to support your nomination, please contact TICT directly.